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Puppies and Kittens
How much should I feed my puppy?
How much should I feed my puppy?
Updated over a week ago

Since puppies are actively growing and developing, they require more calories than adult dogs of the same weight. In general, puppies need to eat what a dog who is two to four times their weight eats.

Feed puppies three times a day, up until they are 6 months old. After 6 months, two meals a day is recommended. For adult dogs, one or two meals a day is fine.

Puppy's weight

2 - 4 months

4 - 7 months

7 - 12 months


Feed daily

Feed daily

Feed daily

5 - 10 lb

24 - 32 oz

18 - 24 oz

12 - 16 oz

10 - 20 lb

28 - 40 oz

21 - 30 oz

14 - 20 oz

20 - 30 lb

40 - 56 oz

30 - 42 oz

20 - 28 oz

30 - 40 lb

56 - 72 oz

42 - 54 oz

28 - 36 oz

40 - 50 lb

72 - 80 oz

54 - 60 oz

36 - 40 oz

50 - 60 lb

80 - 88 oz

60 - 66 oz

40 - 44 oz

60 - 70 lb

88 - 96 oz

66 - 72 oz

44 - 48 oz

70 - 80 lb

72 - 90 oz

48 - 60 oz

80 - 90 lb

90 - 99 oz

60 - 66 oz

90 - 100 lb

96 - 105 oz

64 - 70 oz

100 - 110 lb

96 - 114 oz

64 - 76 oz

110 - 120 lb

70 - 82 oz

120 - 130 lb

74 - 86 oz

130 - 140 lb

80 - 90 oz

140 - 150 lb

84 - 96 oz

If you're unsure how much food to get, choose a plan for a dog that is at least three times the puppy's current weight. That's a good place to get started and then you can always adjust up or down.

  • Puppies (2 - 4 months): choose plan for a dog four times the puppy's current weight.

  • Puppies (4 - 7 months): choose plan for a dog three times the puppy's current weight.

  • Puppies (7 - 12 months): choose plan for a dog two times the puppy's current weight.


  • Puppy is 3 months old and weighs 8 lb, choose a plan for a 30 lb dog.

  • Puppy is 5 months old and weighs 15 lb, choose a plan for a 45 lb dog.

  • Puppy is 6 months old and weighs 22 lb, choose a plan for a 65 lb dog.

  • Puppy is 9 months old and weighs 30 lb, choose a plan for a 60 lb dog.

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